I though I should add this for a little bulk in content. A while back the lamp I had here broke , I ordered another lamp and it got back ordered , so I bought a simple cheap glass/plastic one at Wal Mart I totally in my quest to add some style to the shade ruined it , I have been eyeing this one at the grocery store , I know gorcery store, so I decided to give it a whirl, I am thinking of spraying it a shiney green , like the star below , that color not that finish . What do you think , or maybe apricot , very glossy....what to do I have the apricot color in my dining room rug right beside , and green in the new sofa slipcover from Ikea.

I sanded the black mirror frame to give it a worn appeal, I need to use a finer grit to soften it up but I like it this way better , I have never really liked this frame , my husband picked it up at a yard sale for $10.00 a long time ago , I never mentioned that I didn't like it , I like the size but that is it, I had the mirro cut for it , for $30.00 , so all around it was a great deal.

I love the end of season sale , I have been admiring these frames and they were marked down to $6.00 so I indulged, I am so glad I waited , I haven't found a spot for them yet.

These were a couple more items the kids suggested I buy , I had to agree, I have had this rose for some time, but these lotus flower candle holders were marked down as well, I need to dig out my little tea lights.

We received this DNA test in the mail , Sophie has been asked to participate in a peanut allergy study , all she had to do was give 2ml of spit to this cause, the study will be world wide, she had to sign her own consent form for permission, they are trying to see if there is a gene that causes peanut allergies, we were all very happy to join in the scientific quest for answers , the funniest thing was that they will keep this sample for up to 25 years after which it will be destroyed that would make Sophie almost the age I am now, if there is any sample left, we just thought that was pretty cool , to be asked , hope they can find some answers.
This is not my hallway , wish it was , this is a beautiful finished stairs , that which I wish mine was..... gorgeous with all the dark wood floors and crisp white wood work.This is motivating me to get mine done.I have not made any progress , I haven't picked up a brush once this week, did a few other things but nothing worth showing, I still need to build a mirror , re-paint the trim , we have been battling with our air con , either it is too hot or too cold, right now it is freezing , obviously it is time to get the digital thermostat, asap.

I am a big fan of stripes but this is a bit much , what is that a blanket on the stairs, sorry that is over board.
This weekend will be searching for the right fabric for my settee slipcover finally , tending to my front garden , finishing the stairs and the mirror, there we go that should keep me busy.
What will you be doing this weekend ?, I would love to hear .