My older brother and mother and I joined my younger brother for his first MD {Muscular Dystrophy }walk , we are going to make this a yearly event from now on , this local walk raised over $40,000.00 , which is amazing ,in only 2 days we raised $170.00 thanks to our family and friends, next year we will start fundraising much earlier , I didn't know about this walk until I read an article in the paper a few days earlier.
It was a nice time spent at the lake participating in a great cause.
I should probably mention my younger brother Brad pictured with me does actually have Muscular Dystrophy , he has Beckers MD , when he was young it was obvious things were not quite right , Brad walked like others but later he had a "different gait" and when he tried to run he would always fall it was like his legs were not made for running , he would always laugh it off , of course the doctors brushed it off , but my mom pushed on and finally at 10 years he was diagnosed with Beckers which is thankfully the mildest form of Muscular Dystrophy , they told us that he would be in a wheel chair by the age of 20 , he is now 34 and still not in a wheel chair , pushing his limits . I admire his strength and courage. You can read his story here at My Beckers Story