I just realized I do not include my dining room ever I realized I don't really like my dining room as a whole , I love the table, which was honey pine when I got it , but knew it would be better painted cream and I love it, I like the chairs they are solid but I hate honey pine, I have painted two but 4 still need to be done, I promised myself I would do them while the weather is warm, I should stick to that , I love the
candelabra , I also enjoy the sconces which due to lack of hard wiring I needed to adapt with new wiring and copper tubing to hide their plugs,as it would have cost me 4-5 hundred dollars to add the wiring at this time.
I think the biggest dislike is the view, the side of my house butts up to two backyards, ugly pressure treated fences and the
shabbyest of gardens, no offence to the avid gardener but it is no garden of
Eden, after 4 years of just drapes and no blinds, I sprung for the blinds although it doesn't completely obscure my unfavourable view it is a bit better.I am still not so happy with it , I guess I will keep working on it.

I just added the console type table I'm not so sure about that either, I also added the recessed panelling which I love, I think I need to find a room I love and find out what mine is lacking.