I recently took a test to determine what my style is , they say my style is "romantic" but I would have to disagree , I believe my personal style would best be described as "traditional pretty chic" .
I love time worn pieces like chippy painted tables, I love traditional style mouldings and its all about details for me . Incorporating one of a kind touches , thinking outside the box with colors and details . Like making sure my door handles or pretty to look at and that lighting is special {which doesn't mean expensive} , most of all I love slipcovers for their ease and style , and always liveable wood furniture, painted furniture is key to my look , there are NO coasters here , I don't deal well with fussy or stuffy , windows need to be properly dressed , with simple drapes and color , I am not a big fan of all solids everywhere , there are so many beautiful patterned fabrics to choose , color and comfort are key .

The beadboard trim is so wonderful in this tiny full bath , I would like the same half glass enclosure on my tub , I think it is a great idea .

I am crazy about this low trim work , there are no set rules , adding trim gives a house soul , it helps to make it one of a kind , don't get me wrong trim can be executed wrong , thin poorly installed wood is a big no no , it is all about scale and finishing .

I love the creamy shade of the perimeter cabinets and the pale aqua shade of the island and marble and don't forget the chandelier , now thats pretty .

I love this ceiling but I think it would be even more special if the walls were a deep cream , it's a bit matchy , I am thinking of painting my kitchen ceiling in the palest shade of blue , against all of the white it will be a pretty addition , it needs a coat of paint so why not a tint of color??
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