re-arranging , I know shocking that is not like me at all, I moved the gazebo up onto the deck to make more room for the hammock area and for there to be a little patch of grass , turns out there was plenty of room and I think I really like it much better now.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Summer fun
After adding a pool to the yard it was feeling very crowded so I decided to do a little
re-arranging , I know shocking that is not like me at all, I moved the gazebo up onto the deck to make more room for the hammock area and for there to be a little patch of grass , turns out there was plenty of room and I think I really like it much better now.
Summer is officially here , the splashes the laughter the wet towels and foot prints on my kitchen floor are telling me the pool was a great idea. Here is a different look , I used the cartoon setting on my editing program to share with you a little good clean fun.
re-arranging , I know shocking that is not like me at all, I moved the gazebo up onto the deck to make more room for the hammock area and for there to be a little patch of grass , turns out there was plenty of room and I think I really like it much better now.
Monday, June 29, 2009
I have been eyeing a jute rug for some time now , you see if you wait long enough I have learned all things will eventually go on sale , so I always make note of how many of the coveted items are left in stock weekly.
Well it must be the rainbow on this turbulent day{school being out and all the issues that come with that , kids fighting etc.} because they are re-organizing the store in a big way and lots of goodies are on sale , like beach towels for $1.74 , come on , I bought the last two , and the coveted rug which was $109.00 a great price but since I do not seem to have excess money after our trip and pool expenses , I waited so patiently , and it was well worth the wait , it was marked down to $19.00 , that's right I saved $90.00 they were practically giving it away , and it is just the right rug for this room , don't you agree .
What are you waiting to go sale ?, I am currently waiting for a string hammock to go on sale , I know it will 50% off , I hate to pay retail don't you .
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Who wants to wait?
Mother nature has decided to help out the filling process with a light rain, looks like our heat wave is on hold for most of the next week , however my allergies have finally subsided .
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Weekend musings
I am thrilled with the pool so far , OK not the look of it , but the price {it went on sale the morning I was going to buy it , to my surprise},and how much room it takes up of the yard , less room for the dogs to destroy and for us to mow, and the excitement that the kids will be happily playing in it daily this summer , this is like a trial run , Are we pool people , we will soon find out.
Now how many hours will it take to fill and 800 gallon pool ???
It's official , our backyard is the most full backyard on our street, how much outdoor stuff can you jam into a 1000sq ft backyard , so far a good sized deck 12x20, and 8x8 gazebo , a 4x4 playhouse , 1 dog poop composter , a 15 ft round pool , and a small garden , that should just about do it .
Friday, June 26, 2009
Happy Birthday Dear Mason

When Dad and I got married we knew we would want kids right away , the time was finally right. We were so excited to find out the great news , we thought many times we would lose you , but you kept on growing and even stayed with me three more weeks than is normal , but it was all worth it , when we saw you . You were so sweet and small , a tiny little 6 pound 9 oz baby , with all your dark hair , no bald babies for me.
We quickly took you home after a couple of hours in the hospital , I was so happy to have you home so excited to finally lay my eyes on you I couldn't even rest , I just stared at you and kissed you , you were our little pumpkin .
You were so much fun to have around , an easy baby you were , so alert well beyond your months , you even walked at 8 months , you never even crawled .
You still run before you walk in life , you are always just diving into every task , you are growing into a lovely young lady . You are so beautiful and I think you don't even know it , don't doubt that , you are beautiful , and you are a great friend to have , I see you really care about the people you keep close to you , they are lucky to have you .
I am so proud of the friendship you have with your sister she is lucky to have such a special big sister , that is so nice and I know you will always be close , that really warms my heart, I know you fight ,which is normal , but there is love for each other always underneath.
I look forward to the years ahead while we watch you grow and change and become more independent. Be patient with me while I try to help you through these next few years they may get bumpy , I will make mistakes as will you but know I am always on your side and I am always here for you for anything , you can always come to me .
You are so special and smart and creative , follow your dreams , I love you more than know ,
Love Mom xoxo
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Birthday Girl
Dear Sophie ,
I wish you a great and wonderful day today , on your Birthday , you were going to be born on your sister's birthday , but you would not accept that , you were going to have your own day , even if it was only the day before . My water broke right after I completed you sister's 3rd birthday cake around 1:00 AM, my labour moved swiftly and with little pain , until the end , you were in a hurry to make an appearance and you came very close to being born in our car , thankfully we made it in the nick of time to the hospital room , two or three pushes and you were out in the world and you were a screamer , and as pretty as could be, Oma, Dad, Mason and I were all there to welcome you into our family you were our little Sophie .
You have grown so much , you have gone from a shy quiet girl to a real firecracker , no one should mess with you , you know what you want and you stick to your guns , you are a wonderful part of our little family , I love you so much we all love you xoxo

I have such a love for hooks , mostly wrought iron ones , I should count just how many hooks I have in this house , I have a lot , even one with a dog head . This green one was once used to hang a towel from in our powder room until it some how came right out of the wall .

This is my frog , I found it in a box in our garage , I didn't even know it was there , I love its chipped up character.
I wish you a great and wonderful day today , on your Birthday , you were going to be born on your sister's birthday , but you would not accept that , you were going to have your own day , even if it was only the day before . My water broke right after I completed you sister's 3rd birthday cake around 1:00 AM, my labour moved swiftly and with little pain , until the end , you were in a hurry to make an appearance and you came very close to being born in our car , thankfully we made it in the nick of time to the hospital room , two or three pushes and you were out in the world and you were a screamer , and as pretty as could be, Oma, Dad, Mason and I were all there to welcome you into our family you were our little Sophie .
You have grown so much , you have gone from a shy quiet girl to a real firecracker , no one should mess with you , you know what you want and you stick to your guns , you are a wonderful part of our little family , I love you so much we all love you xoxo
I couldn't bear that it has been wasting away in the basement , so I found a spot for it , it looks so pretty .
Yesterday I found some shops in a near by town that had loads of different and beautiful hooks , now I know where to find one if I should need one.
This is my frog , I found it in a box in our garage , I didn't even know it was there , I love its chipped up character.
{re-cut peonies in fresh water , maybe I will get a few more days}
Tomorrow is the last day of school , I am getting a preview of just what I will be dealing with in the other room while I write , I hope there is some peace this summer or it will be a very long 70 plus days :(
I am prepping for the pool tomorrow, I have the foam pads that are suggested , if I ever wondered if we needed it , the loud and energetic 4 kids that are bouncing my floors right now tell me I do need to get it no question .
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Right Back At It
Don't you just love peonies , well I sure do , this is what I came home to on Monday a big jar of the most lushious pink peonies thanks to my SIL Janice , while she came to help out with the pups she graciously gave us these , how sweet , thanks Janice.
I also want to say thank you to Lawrence for all the work you did taking care of the boys for us , we didn't worry about them one little bit , thanks so much .
I get an itch and it must be scratched . I was feeling the drapes needed changing ,a lighter feel is in need as summer has arrived even the air-conditioning is running, so I dug out my old drapes which I still love , however they were no longer long enough , so I simply added a band of fabric to the bottom , laundry and sewing was the game for the day yesterday.
Cost $0 , I love a free re-decorate.
I also want to say thank you to Lawrence for all the work you did taking care of the boys for us , we didn't worry about them one little bit , thanks so much .
Cost $0 , I love a free re-decorate.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Design Porn
Well come on in and enjoy some beautiful photos from one of my favorite magazines Canadian House and Home .
This is probably the most wonderful detail I have ever seen in a house , this was the former editors own kitchen , she had the cupola built in glass to raise the ceiling as the ceilings were unusually low , I believe 7 ft , she then had them wire in a chandelier , what a solution for a problem , sometimes problems are opportunities for gems like this, wouldn't you love this ?

I love the playful feeling of this dining room , nothing stuffy or pretentious here , just how I like a house to feel.

This rustic second home is so appealing , it is loft meets woods , I of course am drawn to the stripes and soft blues , anyone would feel comfortable here .

This green kitchen is from an issue many years ago , it always brought me back to admire all the careful details of this reno , the beadboard ceilings and painted cabinets , always classic.
These images are all from Canadian House and Home magazine , my favorite magazine for as long as I can remember . I believe my first issue had a white sofa on the cover it was probably 1993 is what I am guessing, since then I have been a faithful follower , learning all along the way , watching up and comers become stars in the Interior Design world .

I love the playful feeling of this dining room , nothing stuffy or pretentious here , just how I like a house to feel.

This rustic second home is so appealing , it is loft meets woods , I of course am drawn to the stripes and soft blues , anyone would feel comfortable here .

This green kitchen is from an issue many years ago , it always brought me back to admire all the careful details of this reno , the beadboard ceilings and painted cabinets , always classic.

I have baskets and baskets of issues , always great to look back to and wonderful sources of inspiration.
These are a few inspiring images I wanted to share with you .
The Editor has recently changed it was Cobi Ladner , with whom I share a similar design appreciation , for nantucket /hampton's classic style , the new editor does not share this same sense but seems to be much more focused on trends and high end , both of which turn me off to be truthful .
I hope the magazine will stay true to its roots , yet continue to show relaxed and attainable design, even so the costly designed homes that have graced their pages over the years have always inspired me , to come up with ideas brought on by the wonderful homes that they have been kind enough to share .
Before and After
Monday, June 22, 2009
We are back from our adventures in Disney , heat wave '09 , I can not get over how hot the hot was , at first we thought we were weak and wimpy , but then the natives were having troubles with the weather as well , there was one day where you could not find a character no matter how hard y ou tried , who could blame them , you couldn't make me climb into a fur covered suit in that weather , so although Sophie wanted some autographs , none were gotten , and there are no photos with characters either , didn't seem to cause too much upset.
We loved to visit our favorite hotel the Boardwalk , where we stayed five years ago , we did this vacation much more affordably , where we stayed in Lake Beuna Vista we had access to lots of American Restaurants that we do not have here , like IHOP , yummy strawberry pancakes , and TGI Friday's great food and service , no Sonic though , it was too far away and with us not having a car no way were we going to try to eat outdoors , no way .
I know I am starting with a bit of a downer or two , it would not be that way if I could re-arrange these photos more easily .
This photo of Sophie was taken after I had waited 1 1/2 hours for the Pirates ride , I was very determined to experience this , and Sophie wanted to as well, when we arrived they announced it was having technical difficulties , so I waited in the shade with a breeze , I was happy to wait , as for the 4 separate times I have been to Disney spanning 24 years , I have NEVER ridden this ride , first visit it was being re-done , the second time re-done again , last time running but the kids were too young , and this time broken , it is me , should I consider myself Pirates cursed??? I don't know , seemed like it to me .
At our hotel puppy dressed up in Mickey attire , you can keep you dogs at our hotel , we saw so many dogs , I loved seeing them there and welcome , this little one , a doberman , and a yorkie too , the hotel was very family friendly .
Cooling our feet after a short visit to the Animal Kingdom , I don't think we will go back there again , but they do serve a mean frozen lemonade , those were needed to stay alive or so it seemed , it felt so good and many others joined us , sore feet seemed to be the treat of the day .
Waiting in line for the Test Track ride ,Mason worked herself up to worry on every ride but always loved them after we made her ride, what a great ride , wish we could have done it twice , thank goodness for Fast Pass at least the one time we did get to use it.
Being cute and having fun in the shade , oh how I love the shade , and those squirty fan bottles , $15.00 spent so well, if you have been there you know what I am talking about.

Sci-fi drive in eating .

Hot big daddy , this trip sure tested his will to survive , he does not do well in the heat, every night he slept with his legs up on the air conditioner , seriously he did .
Waiting , but in the air conditioning so I didn't mind , except for that one woman eating a big can of peanuts in the line with her little wild children running all around , stress.

We went to the American Idol Experience , it was so fun , they try out guests and have them compete daily , so fun we did it twice , it was quite authentic , even having videos of American Idol Stars and voting , it was great.

Mine and Dad's favorite spot the lovely pool , the water was perfection , a great family spot , complete with a python water slide , the kids loved it , and so did I , I actually swam in public , that took almost as much courage as getting on the plane , but it was well worth it , so cool and refreshing.

Watching the castle turn colors , it is so pretty .

The first day we arrived it was to terrible rain , by sundown we had weather a lightening storm so frightening we were yelled at to run to take cover it was scary , I was shaken.

It started here at the the arrivals, we made it safe and sound.
Sci-fi drive in eating .
Hot big daddy , this trip sure tested his will to survive , he does not do well in the heat, every night he slept with his legs up on the air conditioner , seriously he did .
We went to the American Idol Experience , it was so fun , they try out guests and have them compete daily , so fun we did it twice , it was quite authentic , even having videos of American Idol Stars and voting , it was great.
Watching the castle turn colors , it is so pretty .
The first day we arrived it was to terrible rain , by sundown we had weather a lightening storm so frightening we were yelled at to run to take cover it was scary , I was shaken.
We had a nice time away , we will NEVER go back in the summer , next time October like we did before , if you are going any time soon , you must get the water park tickets you will need it more than you know.
I thought this was the best way to share our family photos with our family ,
I thought this was the best way to share our family photos with our family ,
more to come tomorrow.
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