Everyone has a hobby , it could be sewing , shopping , scrap booking , blogging , fashion ,doing your hair , collecting , cooking , golf ,travel there are no limits to what hobby or hobbies you can enjoy.
I would never have thought my hobby would be home improvement , I really love the thrill of transformation . I tease my husband and say I am "such a boy" but truth be told I don't know any other girls who window shop the newest and latest powers tools at Home Depot like I do.
What tools do you consider yours ?, I started out with a hot glue gun and staple gun and now I wield a mean brad nailer with compressor and I have spent many hours in front of the miter saw , I really need to get a new one , a sliding with a clamp to hold the wood for me , aw a girl can dream .
What is your hobby ? hobbies?
Do you feel guilty to indulge in your hobby , is it wrong to want time for yourself , I don't think so we all need to ask for time for ourselves , we can not just give and give I don't ask for time for myself , or go on girl's weekends well EVER but I do ask for time to make our home the vision I see in my mind, the backdrop of our lives. This is not the kind of hobby you can enjoy late at night in the quiet while the kids are dreaming, for my hobby causes a racket , sorry neighbours , so I do long for school days, even if it makes me selfish I know I give my children nearly all of me.
I also love showing my daughters a strong role model , I am a woman who gets things done , who can myself make changes , my Mother was always a get it done kind of woman , and so am I , its just the way we are wired I suppose, it will be interesting to see if they follow my lead or not , Sophie has shown an interest asking to use my drill and to help out.
I am always thrilled to hear I inspire other woman who read my blog to try things they never have before , to think that they can do it too , if I can , and that is exactly why I started blogging to share my talents and to inspire women to take things into their own hands if they want to .