Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
I have a complaint
Wake up .
Feed kids breakfast
Make lunch
Get kids off to school
Make coffee
Check google reader
Feed dogs
Feed frog
Pour coffee
Day officially begins
So my complaint is this , in what kind of a world do these two things happen on the same day? seriously I was reading google reader and Layla from The Lettered Cottage mentions how she picked daffodils for her mothers arrival , are you kidding me! My backyard is officially half way FULL of snow, the snow banks are at least 5-7 feet tall , it is near impossible to turn a corner on the streets because if the height of snow and someone's January day can start with daffodil picking , COME ON!
Just woke up to hear Buffalo is getting 18 more inches of snow by Tuesday , which means it will travel right over Lake Ontario and dump on us too . Of course Buffalo shuts down the city whenever there is a storm , cracks me up actually, they close daycares, schools churches , we close NOTHING , ok maybe the buses won't run , but everything is OPEN baby ! we are a hearty bunch us Canadian's.
Feed kids breakfast
Make lunch
Get kids off to school
Make coffee
Check google reader
Feed dogs
Feed frog
Pour coffee
Day officially begins

Just woke up to hear Buffalo is getting 18 more inches of snow by Tuesday , which means it will travel right over Lake Ontario and dump on us too . Of course Buffalo shuts down the city whenever there is a storm , cracks me up actually, they close daycares, schools churches , we close NOTHING , ok maybe the buses won't run , but everything is OPEN baby ! we are a hearty bunch us Canadian's.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
A "whiteover"

I did like the aqua color that I had painted about a year ago , but I tired of it quickly , it was too much of a good thing. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing , there is enough blue in that bath , the wall to the right of the sink is all blue glass.

This is the reason that I decided to get rid of the aqua on the bathroom vanity, it is too close to my jam cupboard which I have not tired so it was an obvious choice paint the bathroom cabinet needed to go white. It's just paint. Although I have wondered whatthe jam cupboard would look like painted green .
So for the record this cabinet, that my husband and I bought with the remaining wedding gift money we received that was left over from our honeymoon which I still love , except I think I NEED to change those hinges , has been burgundy, I wanted cream way back when , but that was not the in thing, so I later painted it white , recently I painted it the Flik and Co. blue , it is a happy color isn't it ? But who's to say it is finished ?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
How Many Did it Take ???
Keeping busy

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Recessed panelling 101

After this stage I then use latex caulking to fill in where the wall meets the wood and all joint seams, for a clean finish . Lastly I painted with 3 coats of white {your choice} in a semi gloss . I finished the baseboard with a sunstantial 1/4 round piece of trim .
Oh I should mention , I always countersink the nails and fill them with nail filler and sand them before painting , nothing looks worse than nails showing to ruin your hard work.
Friday, January 23, 2009

Although I am a huge fan of painting furniture but there is some upkeep that comes along with it , that I am fine with , but since I painted my dining room table I came up with a little problem solving step . I had a can of classic black polyshades stain /varathane , it is an oil product in satin , I decided to give the table top two coats of this oil to make it very hard wearing and extremely use able .
I feel much more at ease to allow use , of course I would have before , but now I don't worry about re-painting in the near future.

See I was never competitive but for some reason I want to be in the top rated category , and I got it yesterday so I am done , over with it and obviously pathetic, and I apologize for that , let's chalk it up to hormones, trust me it's hormones, over 35 here it could even be peri M right . Fun , fun , fun , my poor family.

Since I am slowing down my interior improving , I am gonna need something else to blog about .
Is there anything you want to know , or ask , suggest for topic, feel free , give it to me.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Lowe's get 5 *****

This light is so gorgeous , how can it be $33.~ ?

This vintage look bathroom light is $11.00 and has a pull chain , how charming .

This hurricane fixture is teeny tiny , perfect for a tight hallway.

I am mad crazy in love with these next two fixtures , and so affordable.

My wish list from Lowe's
-gorgeous mirrors for around $80.00
-a new solid wood front door with a large window $700~ { I saw some for up to $4000~}
-the perfect bathroom faucet for $128~ x 2
-a hand held and height adjustable shower head for the girls , $80~
-crown moulding corners like I have seen on blogs but until now were unavailable $6~ each
I think that is it for now
Rate my Space

What is your experience with Rate My Space ?
I decided to put up some new photos , of my made over dining room , my daughter's room and today my living room , http://www.roomzaar.com/rate-my-space/Living-Rooms/Just-Beachy-Living-room/detail.esi?oid=5708703 here is my most recent attempt at Rate My Space.
I know it shouldn't matter what others think , but sometimes I feel like Rate My Space is used as Shred my Space , I like my readers here much better , you are all so kind. I get nice comments don't get me wrong, but if I don't like a space I just don't vote , I only vote for ones I like or love and there are lot's of them .
Sorry I haven't been posting , but as doctor ordered I have been resting my wrist and it is much much better . Everyone is feeling better today , thank goodness, cause I need my alone time , which I am enjoying right now.
I think I will go on out and check out Lowe's finally , I am pretty excited.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Tuesday January 20th

How proud and happy I am to see this day , it is a real step in the right direction , for all you who were able to vote for soon to be President Obama I am so proud , of the progress of a nation .
There are good days ahead .
My thoughts are also with my husband's mother who is having a medical procedure done today. We hope to hear good news .
My poor daughter woke up with the stomach flu this morning and is feeling awful , I hope she is better soon as well . Thankfully no messes to clean up this time , phew!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Low Key weekend

This is what we woke up to this Sunday , it snowed for 24 hours . I am so happy it happened on the weeken when my husband was home to help , with my wrist we would have been snowed in .

Friday, January 16, 2009

Trouble with the house is well they have just slashed the price by nearly $100,000.00 GASP! sheer evidence things are bad . At this price I should snatch up my dream house right , NO because MY lovely home has been losing value by the day , I am disgusted at the list prices of houses in my area . {actually some are laughable , outrageous , some sellers are in complete denial and not listening to their agents , obviously }
GOOD thing though I am not temped at all , this house although perfect in every way , 4 bedroom , 4 bath , two car garage , 50 foot lot , well laid out , would never be my house , as I have promised not to move my children from the school they now attend. So although it is a deal and it is at the drywall stage waiting for all the finishes to be chosen , which would be the most fun part , it will stay vacant as it has for the last 7 months , unless someone finally sees its potential , the price reduction should help with that .
So how do things look in your area ? have you been following the price fluctuations ? I always do , I like to know what my house is worth on an ongoing basis , I am a bit of a real estate junkie , there are some deals to be scooped , but not by me , we will ride out this wave , no need to move , any moves will wait until things are looking up , and they will .
I have a TIP
Ok , I was so excited to go on a little outing with a girlfriend today , because Lowe's is opening and I was very eager to get inside and check it out for myself.
My plan was foiled around 3:30 am when my happy dog jumped on me, I obviously was annoyed but still amazed my dog has figured out how to open a closed door , damn lever handles, but it was because one of my children was up with the stomach flu, I guess Lowe's will have to wait.
So I am home cleaning the aftermath , one blanket is fit for the trash , there is no hope .
Funny how I was up and steam cleaning the rug after moving Mason into my room , and hubs was snoring away not hearing a thing , that will always shock me, I mean my steam cleaner is LOUD.
OK here comes my tip:
I was doing a little dusting and noticing the pads on the bottom of my dining chairs were rather dusty , so I used my sticky lint roller to clean off a few legs, which was a pain and it hurt my wrists , and then it occurred to me , rip a sheet off , place it under one leg at a time , voila the perfect way to clean the dusty glider pads on the legs of furniture , one sheet did 6 chairs.
My plan was foiled around 3:30 am when my happy dog jumped on me, I obviously was annoyed but still amazed my dog has figured out how to open a closed door , damn lever handles, but it was because one of my children was up with the stomach flu, I guess Lowe's will have to wait.
So I am home cleaning the aftermath , one blanket is fit for the trash , there is no hope .
Funny how I was up and steam cleaning the rug after moving Mason into my room , and hubs was snoring away not hearing a thing , that will always shock me, I mean my steam cleaner is LOUD.
OK here comes my tip:
I was doing a little dusting and noticing the pads on the bottom of my dining chairs were rather dusty , so I used my sticky lint roller to clean off a few legs, which was a pain and it hurt my wrists , and then it occurred to me , rip a sheet off , place it under one leg at a time , voila the perfect way to clean the dusty glider pads on the legs of furniture , one sheet did 6 chairs.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The dining table was honey pine , I used a high adhesion primer {ZINSSER 123} which allows you to skip sanding, I then painted it with several coats of paint and finished it with a clear topcoat, I ALWAYS use latex paint , I decided to paint it black and since it was already in latex I simply wiped it down and painted it with Tremclad "BLACK" paint in latex I mixed some matte and some gloss that I had to get a satin finish , I will let it cure for several days before top coating it with varathane.
I am glad so many of you like the table makeover, I do too , but I also like white and cream painted furniture , I have painted many items white , and love the look of classic white cottage style painted pieces .
No I will not change the fabric , the fabric on the chairs is a gorgeous linen paisley and the bench is a soft grey linen , perfect as is , I think , I was just looking for contrast for the table.
I have been in many homes with dark furniture and dark floors and deep walls and solid fabrics and I find that mood is gloomy I need light spaces they affect my mood in a positive way . If there is not contrast between pieces a room feels boring to me or flat , I love pattern and mismatched furniture , no matching sets for me , I have collected loved pieces over time and my home reflects that .
I am glad so many of you like the table makeover, I do too , but I also like white and cream painted furniture , I have painted many items white , and love the look of classic white cottage style painted pieces .
No I will not change the fabric , the fabric on the chairs is a gorgeous linen paisley and the bench is a soft grey linen , perfect as is , I think , I was just looking for contrast for the table.
I have been in many homes with dark furniture and dark floors and deep walls and solid fabrics and I find that mood is gloomy I need light spaces they affect my mood in a positive way . If there is not contrast between pieces a room feels boring to me or flat , I love pattern and mismatched furniture , no matching sets for me , I have collected loved pieces over time and my home reflects that .
I got a new table for FREE

I have been thinking it blends a little too much with the trim work, and that the dining rooms I am drawn to ALWAYS have dark painted or very dark stained wood finishes . I have been thinking long and hard , every time I sit in the front parlor {I'm going to call it that from now on , that is what it said on the floor plans , it just sounds fancy, I think it's another word for small} to watch tv I look and imagine it dark .
My boredom made me do it , thank you boredom !
I did all the things that needed doing , laundry , dishes ,toilets , floors etc and there I was with a day to fill and my itch for new projects needing to be scratched , and I am so happy with the result , look it just stands so proud , like look at me and my pretty legs , doesn't it?
What do you think am I off my rocker???

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