Its done, finished, finito , it adds much more than I had thought , the ceiling had been this very vast bland space , the larges thing in the room, half smooth half crumbly, hate those textured ceilings. My husband so loves what it does to the room,I just love adding details and personality to a home , they really come bare bones for the lat 50 or so years.

I will still add bead board to the ceiling and paint it glossy white.
I know many of you have the cottage cheese ceilings, first of all if you are building a house , opt for the smooth the cost is not all that much and it is money well spent. In my 5 year old home it comes off very easily , in fact I have scraped some of it off already but it is an awful mess the stuff gets in your eyes , lots of vacuuming is needed, it awful stuff, but I will get it all off a little at a time.

These are a few of my favorite things, my newest nail gun , great for trim projects, its cordless and that makes it great , its heavy which usually isn't a problem,it is inexpensive, but the depth gauge isn't all its cracked up to be, however compared to the old hammer and nails, try holding a big piece of trim and a nail and hammer and get it all just right , challenging to say the least , so in my books I love this , I wanted to do without a compressor. Canadian Tire.

This brand filler is superb, its easy to use , fills big or small holes, it dries quickly , I love it , use it on trim or walls.

This super cheap caulking is best , easy to use cheap and my friend, I should buy it by the case. The beam used one hole tube to close the variations in the ceiling and beam as well as around the brackets and trim and all the seams, you need need need to use this stuff to make it all look great.