I really do love my home, it is not large , it is 1890 sq ft , a fine size to me, considered small by many I am sure , but it has two ground floor living rooms, seperate dining room , eat in kitchen and three bedrooms the master which is quite large and one bedroom which is also quite large for a child's bedroom and a smaller room with a covered porch , two and a half baths, a great wish list , this house's short comings are that is is a small lot , and the houses are very close and the house's lack privacy, we only have one garage and a single drive , so as you can imagine that can be a pain, the garage has never had a car in it , nor will it , it is purely for storage and that is fine.
I have always wanted a mudroom , this house lacks storage, partly my fault, you can never under estimate storage space as I did.
I have considered adding on to the back of the house a mudroom laundry room , but a foundation and the expense would not make any sense. To move to get a mudroom one extra parking space and one extra and a not needed bedroom would cost a mere additional $100,000.00 to the mortgage , not to mention the property taxes , as this area is known as the highest in the GTA in Toronto they pay much less than we do ,annoying, but we have nearly crime free living , new schools , rec centers and brand new shopping & resturants , everything you need to exist in a 10 minute walk away , so it is very worth the extra dough.

Back to my mudroom , now where can that go , well into the back portion of my garage , I can make an open entrance where a garage entrance was an option which I choose not to have done at the time of building, I can use up a third of the garage space and create a mudroom , it will be a short walk from the front door as well we can do a door from the garage as well. I can see it now, are you with me here. There is already water there so potentially I could have laundry and a wash basin for cleaning those grubby dogs I have. Oh my we could live here for ever , as the basement will now be left for two roomy offices and a craft space , yippee I am so excited , can't say when this will happen but it is the perfect idea, plenty of people turn their garages into living space , yuck , so why can't I carve out an awesome mudroom in mine.
Linda's mudroom , stunning and inspirational.

Ok I have got it , I will raise the floor so that it is one step down from the hall into this room , with a pocket door , heated tile floors ,easy clean, open lockers of course.

This is the ah ha mudroom above that has started the whole thing. I too might have a mudroom in my future .

I can imagine using it now, I may even be able to carve out laundry chute as it will be in the perfect location for it, this is very exciting news.