I know we all wanted to get Target here in Canada for a long time I know I sure did. I`m not one to take cross border shopping trips I shop locally call me old fashioned.
I was pleasantly surprised when Target opened as there was so much to love. I have heard a lot of grumbling and complaining going around from my fellow Canadians that Target here is not like in the US, well we all knew it wouldn`t be exactly the same right. I suppose it all depends on what your looking for. Because I was looking for well priced design, decor and home items which is exactly what I found. From dishes to sheets to small furniture I found so much style and selection which is just what I was looking and hoping for. I thought I would share with you some of the great items I have picked up since Target opened. .JPG)
I will start with my min bar in the dining room , this spot is new since I found this cute tray at Target I loved the wood handles and bronze finish.I am really excited to try out my new shaker for Christmas , isn`t it the cutest...I know I love it and $14
I love kosher salt and I had my eye on this little salt cellar for a while , actually I had put it in my cart on a previous shopping trip but when I got home I was sad to find that is must have not made it out of the cart , but luckily I went back and made sure to bring it home for $3.49 well actually $2.09 is what it rang up as. That is something I just love about Target when you select an clearance item and at the cash it rings up even lower than you had expected. Target prices are great but the sales are amazing and the clearance items are superb.
Another fabulous clearance score a ceramic rolling pin with a vintage design.
I had to special order two of these wall mount bottle openers for our kitchen back a couple of years ago , so I was pleased to see they had a bronze one with their seasonal bar ware I am going to gift that.
I went yesterday to see the selection of holiday gift wrapping and I found these adorable gift boxes for $2.00 I cleared them out.Adorable bags on sale for $1.00 these beat dollar stores bags any day.
I know it`s not a good pic but a while back I spotted this cute feather art piece it was perfect for our entry just what I was looking for and only $19
And don`t forget about the perfect lanterns I found for my living room on sale...good things come to those who wait
And last but not least my long awaited duvet cover.
Well there you have it ...my Target haul It`s not hard to see why I love Target Canada....you will too if you give it a chance and if you don`t like the one near you it may be because of it`s location so check neighboring cities I promise you`ll thank me later.... so what are your favorite purchases from Target Canada.
This was and is not a sponsored post these are my experiences and opinions.
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