Things have been rather busy lately , with the kids still at home and finding myself "jobless" as of very soon I have decided it is the right time to get myself a "real" job , so after 13 years I find myself trying to put together a flattering resume , I have applied for a few jobs , I am hoping to hear back very soon ,I really am looking forward to getting back to a "real" job and all that benefits that it can bring my family , it feels like the right time, especially with the way things are evolving with my part time job of providing childcare ...kids grow up and have changing needs , I am going with the flow.
Last night ended with me sleeping in a lazy boy chair , I didn't see that coming , I thought I was going to spend my night on a cot , but I can go with the flow . See Sophie has been having some signs of sleep apnea , signs like she
stops breathing ....BIG SIGN , so the ENT wanted to make sure there was a problem seeing as she doesn't "snore" , which apparently all people with sleep apnea do !!! well actually I beg to differ or maybe my idea of snoring is not the same as my doctors, my other daughter had sleep apnea , due to BIG tonsils and she never snored , breathed with difficulty , yes and made some noise , yes , but snored NO she did not ! So we will see.

Sophie may need to have her tonsils out , like I did and my older daughter did , it benefited us greatly , but was not fun , nor was this awful sleep study set up by the looks of it for this poor dear, I couldn't take a photo of Sophie as my
camera died yesterday , can you believe that !!! I can't I NEED my camera.

This is what my bed for the night looked like , I am aching this morning , but I don't know if it is from the Wii boxing I did a couple of days ago or from riding roller coasters yesterday ....

We started the day off at Canada's Wonderland , such a different experience than last years visit around this time , a lot can change in a year , you may remember last years visit was star studded look
here ya'll know
JUSTIN BIEBER now right!!! well I am sure glad we got to take the girls to see him last year because to take 3 kids and me it would cost about $629.00 , yikers
anyone want to donate tickets to my girls....??anyone ???you'll let me know then.

Here are the girls trying a ride they have never tried , they came prepared in their bikini's , even though it was a little cool they were all so looking forward to this ride , Timberwolf Falls , can you say wet!

Here they go...

It was a huge hit ! they couldn't get me or Todd to try , we weren't willing to be wet for the rest of the day , no thanks

I guess they didn't get wet enough , that sign says Splash Zone ...

I'd say that's a splash zone alright , where did they go???

While waiting in line for a roller coaster I thought this spot had a great backdrop for some pictures , but the camera wasn't focusing....strange...., right after this shot was taken the skies opened up and we got stuck in the rain , the roller coaster got shut down and we spent about 30 minutes thankfully waiting under some shelter waiting for the storm to pass ...fun times

I tried and tried but it just got worse , and it is really really dead , oh no, so no good photos of Sophie from her sleep study , she did great and we got a fantastic technician , he was so good with her , he said she did better then the grown men there , one even had a little fit and left in the middle of the night , big baby , and she definitely snored , not a lot and not all the time but she did , so they proved me wrong , I don't know what this means , probably a tonsillectomy in the near future , I am feeling thankful for the free health care we enjoy here in Canada, nothing has cost us a penny , not even parking last night , BRILLIANT! you're wrong Elisabeth Hasselbeck health care isn't for the socialists.....!