Monday, May 28, 2007
Great video to share

Sunday, May 27, 2007
The end is near

Friday, May 25, 2007

Thursday, May 24, 2007
Hot summer days...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
May long weekend

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Floor day 10 , long days

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
It's coming along.

Here is my beloved magnolia tree ,that is what I wanted last mother's day but never did find one,until Friday night at the superstore of all places ,a yellow blossomed small tree , I am so excited to see it grow,it is prominantly in the sunny corner of my backyard a place I have been saving just for such a tree, the close photo is my front yard tree which right now has those blossoms that smell like lilacs then the leaves turn maroon, but sadly it has canker but it still doing ok so I can not bare to chop it down until it is god awful.
Hope all the mothers had a nice day Sunday , I am looking forward to a long weekend, of course I will finish some projects and start some new ones like my hammock supports, a long weekend and a hammock sounds perect to me!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Spring has sprung.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Fun day at the farm
Monday, May 7, 2007
Tough Day with a Peanut Allergy

Saturday Sophie was so excited to go to a friends birthday party , I spoke with the mom who is a teacher and very familiar with peanut allergies,she was to buy a cake from a "peanut free" shop and I checked all the food which all should have been just fine, finally a party where Sophie could eat cake, but when I picked her up her face around her mouth was red , I thought it was just food stain, but after a clean it was a reaction there were hives and the texture of her normally perfect complextion changed, she has come in to contact with nuts or peanuts,it was a very stubborn reaction compared to the others that resolved on their own very quickly, didn't go further than rash , we gave her a double dose of benadryl and it knocked her out , she slept for several hours, could be also that she was so excited to go to the party that she woke at 6:30am and even spend a half hour in the car waiting because she was so excited to go???
Her breathing was fine so we didn't go to the hospital, and after the clear of 6 hours and no respitory problems we had the all clear, or sigh of relief , but this morning I still see the after math , her face is blood shot and some exzema , which she doesn't get ,on her chin and arm , so it was for sure a real exposure, now I have call the mom and find out what it could have been , I didn't think to talk about the environment if they eat peanut butter in the house that can be enough to set off a negative response, I felt like crying the whole time, sad really for what could progress and for the fact that she will not be going to any more parties or playdates at others for quite a while , with every exposure it does get more grim, I should feel grateful some kids faces swell so much their eye lids flip inside out , but I feel fragile today not so grateful but still grateful.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
My new slipcover= mother's day gift???

Looks like ikea has finally read my mind , they have made my dream slip cover for the sofa I already have , well the dog uses it more than anyone else, but I'm sure he will love it too.