Check out www.cobistyle.com for great style , design inspiration and information on Cobistyle products.
From last Friday till yesterday morning it has been a whirl wind of touch ups , cleaning and preparation to get ready for Cobi Ladner to visit and film a tour of my "beachy" house for the Steven and Chris Show , it was a complete thrill to have Cobi to my home , I have followed Cobi since I was probably 20 and living in our first little basement apartment when she was editor of Canadian House and Home magazine, oh the stacks and stacks of old issues of H&H I still have from when Cobi was editor I have missed her touch at H&H, I have learned much from Cobi and admire her personal decor style.

Cobi has some very exciting news , she has launched a line of home decor goods , from furniture to draperies , all beautiful of course and full of colour and feminine flair , a nice and welcome change, check out her website links above for more information .
I had a very nice day , it was great to meet Cobi , she is as sweet and friendly as she has always appeared on her many television appearances I have seen , truly a warm and lovely lady , what a treat for me.
She was so kind and complimentary of my home , how amazing to hear kind words about my work from one of my design heroes, Cobi even gave me a great suggestion for my kitchen counters.
I simplified the bedroom , removed the elliptical and big ugly TV( just for the filming) , I centered the bed and removed the decal over the bed to create more balance, it feels so pretty without the functional stuff.
I have decided I need to get a smallish white LED tv to replace my tube TV I normally have in there, it will look much better , so excited they make white LED's.