Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Sophie my baby girl

Now what can I say , I adore this kid, she sure knows how to push my buttons and make me melt, I see her as more fragile than perhaps most , I feel like all our time together is so precious, I feel like she can be taken away without notice, of course this is true of any child , but because Sophie is allergic to peanuts I alway feel impending doom, we have been lucky so far, I am very cautious of course with everything she puts in her mouth .This past weekend Sophie was a guest at two birthday parties , she was the only one who couldn't enjoy a piece of cake, the just in case , they didn't "have" nuts but no one can tell us if there has been cross contamination, poor kid she hates to be pointed out in any way ,really ever, thankfully she knows the seriousness of her allergy and it is nothing to play with , what a burden for such a little girl. But I have faith there will be a cure or a treatment .So until then I go on ,scanning every new place , every environment for danger, there behind the glass of the office at swimming class sits a bag of reeses balls, wondering did her swim coach wash properly, on the handle of the water fountain I wipe with vigor, letting the servers know everywhere we eat, yet by the end of a meal they usually forget .

I can't complain it is just what we need to do , like seatbelts , like helmets, but unlike those that are obvious to all , we have to protect her from an invisable or hidden danger most times , but boy am I glad we are dealing with this now and not 10 years ago , people are much more aware of this issue of concern.

I am lucky to be her Mom.

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