I think that "decorating" is a process , you could hire someone to do it for you or do it yourself, but it evolves over time or should , of course we have all seen a room decorated in the 70's that remains to be shrink wrapped from the past , I love listing in the MLS that mentioned "maintained" which means trapped in the past to me , or needs gutting really, green shag and nastly paneling, poor layouts kitchens and bathrooms in desperate need of a wrecking ball. I have always moved every 3 years or so , with a new blank slate to make my own in what ever style or colour I love for the moment , but since we have invested so much in our home and life here I find myself tweeking what we have which is even more fun than I thought making all the improvements that I dream of.I am not fond of builder homes , they come very bland , and going through with all the updates that I would want at the time of purchase would have added $50,000.00 or more,not an option, so I have been slowly improving one step at a time.
My latest improvements are the lights in the kitchen, I found these very affordable fixtures at Home Depot , $50.00 each , of course considering the difficult task that the electrician had trying to put two boxes where there was one and getting them in the location I wanted wow I have so much respect for the trade, I am still waiting on the bill ,but it will be worth it , it looks incredible, where most have a small awkward table I have a huge island ,and my new lights are the icing on the cake.
The photo of the sink is the first improvement we made , I found that Kholer sink for sale in the paper for $100.00 and the faucet on ebay about 5 years ago. I love my huge sink it has 3 bowls , although I would love an apron front sink but one big bowl or two , I don't know maybe.
I have put in the photo of the previous light fixture as well. What do you think?