Sunday, March 13, 2011

Polka dots

I have had a sewing machine sitting on my dining room table for well over a month , it was there with good intentions , See Sophie asked me to make her a dress , a simple dress , all the pieces were cut, then when it came to sewing it into an actual dress my confidence disappeared . Recently I decided to put the sewing machine away but I knew if I put it away I would never get to making the dress , that is when I decided to just do it and to not let my self doubt get the better of me ....
I did it , I really did it , I made my kid a dress , and it actually looks like a dress , I am so glad I just pushed myself to get it done , getting Sophie to let me take photos of her in the dress was actually harder .

I went with buttons to avoid putting in a zipper , I think it adds to it as well .
Do you let your confidence make decisions for you or hold you back ....?

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