Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Confined spaces

I spend much of my weekend making the most of my walk in closet ...
I started out without a real plan, I really just wanted to improve the quality of the wall on the right , there were so many holes it resembled cottage cheese , but that is an easy fix ...
I have an "extend it" rod system which doubles my hanging space , it also comes with shelves if you like but I needed more hanging , it is a great solution because it is very flexible and actually hangs off of your exsisting rods , it can be made quite narrow or you can strech it out to its maximum , a quick and easy solution .

I added these three shelves on the fly after some cardio , the saw dust was flying , turns out it is just what I needed for my jeans and comfy pants ...

I am a huge fan of hooks I couldn't live without them , in a pinch they help keeps things tidy , this wall would be otherwise useless , this is a narrow closet but functional for me.

A fresh coat of white paint , new shelves and hooks and a little jigging sure has made a huge difference.

I have some more trim plans for these shelves , don't you love a freshly cleaned closet , I purged I tried on lots of new things that fit again , very full filling project.

Getting dressed is becoming fun again .
Oh and I dragged my two daughters to see Never Say Never 3D so that I could see it, I have always like Justin Bieber thanks to my oldest daughter and seeing him perform in Toronto two summers ago with my girls , he is very talented indeed I can attest to that seeing him perform and play guitar and then all of the sudden she was over him , but I didn't turn on him , I still like him , and now if possible I like that kid even more , LOVED the movie , if you don't get it , the whole Bieber thing go see this movie, you will GET it and you will love him too , you may even catch a little Bieber Fever ...what a kid and I am so impressed with his Mom Patty , well done Patty , its hard not to put yourself in the shoes of a Mom when you watch this , its cute its touching and inspiring too...good clean fun . Oh and I think Mason likes him again , he is hard not to like...

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