Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

I wanted to fit in a quick post before I check out for the next couple of days while I get this house in tip top shape , three days left until the Holiday House Tour you can still get tickets and spend Saturday touring 11 beautiful homes , sounds like a great day to me....

I did a little makeover on the stockings , I took off the big sequins and I attached a gathered piece of robins egg velvet , the velvet is from a pair of sun worn drapes I hated to waste , you will see me making things out of them for some time I am sure , so far the stockings and I have also made two pillow covers , I love them so soft and scrumptious .

Here are the before stockings nice cream velvet stocking but the gold wasn't working for me ...

The tree is finally up , I used the most restraint ever , just using silver , aqua and turquoise, I think it is my best tree ever, I have so many one of a kind ornaments , lots to see and take in ...
wait I do need to make some shell ornaments it wouldn't be a beachy Christmas without shells on the tree.

Back many years ago I made some ornaments out of white felt , I sewed on sequins , this is one of my fave's this little dress is so sweet , if I do say so myself , I even made a hanger out of floral wire...cute right? maybe I should make some more and sell them?
Good bye for now , I am going to be busy right up until Saturday morning I know it ....wish me much luck getting all the details ready , I am trying to focus on the big picture , no more sneak peeks , hope I will see you Saturday , I will be here till noon to chat and answer any questions and then I will be off on the tour myself while volunteers man the house ....

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