Sunday, November 7, 2010

Good-bye little tree

I have been very busy making sure little touch ups and jobs get crossed off my list of to-dos but the list is still long .
Happily I can cross off decorating the outside for Christmas , yes Christmas , normally I am not in a rush but it was a nice day and I was inspired to get that done , especially after we had to cut down our tree this weekend , it was sad to see it go , but it was full of more disease than healthy plant and it needed to be taken down .... my husband did that job I didn't want to do it anyway, but boy does it feel bare out there now.
I found this old picture of Mason my how she's grown.
This week looks busy , tomorrow I will start painting Mason's room , some woodwork around the house that needs doing, cleaning the garden of dead or dying plants and maybe even sanding the pine floors and re-finishing them too as well as looking for some sponsors ....I am looking for someone to donate flowers for the holiday house tour and I am even hoping that maybe "MY" Home Depot will sponsor me with a little project that I can pull off before the Holiday House Tour ...we will see , it can't hurt to ask , right? 20 days and counting

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