Sunday, July 12, 2009

Price My Space
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Nesting Place is having a Price My Space party , I can not wait to see what others paid for their dreamy rooms , what fun, will you play along?

1. wing chair $25.00 found on-line want ads blue pillow Pier 1 Imports $39.00

2. lamps $29.00 x 2 , pedestal table $79.00 x 2 from Homesense

3. ottoman which was a former coffee table $25.00 plus drop cloth fabric $14.00 and foam which was free and about 2 days transforming into an ottoman , tray $7.00 from Winners 8 years ago .

4. extra long drapes $79.00 a pair from Ikea , plus extra length of fabric $40.00 which I sewed on to extend drapes to the floor .

5. sisal rug $19.00 marked down from $109.00 bought at the grocery store

6. Ektorp pull out sofa from Ikea $649.00 plus $199.00 for extra striped slipcover , down filled pillows $19.00 x 2 , I will be the first to sing the praises of my Ikea sofas and chairs , I have had them for years and years this one for more than 7 years and it is still as sturdy as the day I bought it , although it is not a high quality sofa like a LEE one I would love to own , for a family with kids I am happy to say it is a great and affordable sofa , the slips make it a dream to own.

7. Black beveled mirrors , from Canadian Tire $39.00 x 2 , lanterns $19.00 x 2 , Ikea lack shelf $29.00 , antique brackets from market $40.00 for set of three, frog prince $7.00, candle sticks $12.99 x 2 , relax sign $9.99

8. Ektorp chair Ikea $399.99

Grand Total for numbered items is $1924.97, not bad considering that is almost what we spent on the settee in the family room , the best part is that I wouldn't change a thing , I think shopping well and being creative is just a part of me forever.

For girls like me who love change and have an ever evolving space it makes more sense to spend little because for me chances are I will tire of a piece before it time has come, so slip covered things work for my changing moods very well , and hand me downs and bargain purchased furniture is much easier to rationalize painting than pricey investment pieces , I understand the investment pieces but I can not imagine living with something forever unless it is my family.

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