I suppose if I really had thought that a camera man and a producer would come to my house in one week of emailing my letter submitting myself for the House Proud segment I would have done so at another time like two weeks or so later . But I am glad that I did it none the less , I have always wanted to be published in one of my fave magazines , I have tried and I will still try to accomplish that , but TV scares the heck out of me , I am the girl that avoids tv cameras , not the girl who tries to get in the shot , never , but I put my feelings aside and for my decorating business CK Interiors I thought this exposure could be just what I need.
So to say the least I was shocked that 30 minutes after emailing the Steven and Chris Show while checking out my daily blogs I saw the response and to my complete shock they said they loved my house and my story, you know how I do this all myself , don't put my hubby to work for me , I love it and want women to try more things for themselves rather that waiting on a man ..yadda yadda! true though .
This process was to take place quickly , so I worked night and day , na mostly day , getting the little details the way that I wanted .I decluttered everything , stashed lots of stuff in closets the basement , nothing was out of place , the house never looked better ,fresh flowers and all , I locked the dogs up in my room to keep them out of the way and from messing furniture up with their muddy paws and black fur.
The showed up right on time on the day , I showed the two lovely friendly tv crew people around talked about all the work I had done to this house while trying not to let my nerves get the best of me.
We sat down and the producer asked me her questions for the interview , which went quite well to my surprise , forgot the words for a few things for some nice out takes. I am so worried now how I looked , I am dreading seeing it on tv , I would love to do it over , now that I know what to expect. I am in second guess mode , I could have said better things , I found a much nicer outfit in my closet that I should have worn , my hair looked better the next day , ahhh , I am sure this is natural.
After the initial interview I went around from room to room going into detail of the work I had done , speaking to each part while it was filmed , and if I said strange things we did it again. I am so excited and nervous to see how they edited down around 2 hours of video into a 5 minute or less segment, I am hoping they use mostly my audio and the house shots as opposed to my image, I just dread that. After all I concentrate on my house not on me and it shows.
A question was asked , did they stage my house for the shoot ? NO they took it the way I had it , I think that is for magazine shoots and snooty shows , this is about home owners that are house proud of the their homes ,the way they have executed them. They do not have to be perfect . I simply showed them the areas that I wanted to and that were" ready" as I saw it , Mason's rooms was out as was my bedroom and bathroom , Mason's room because she didn't want to clean it ,my bedroom because it is not done, I still have a lot of trim work to do and my bathroom is nothing to write home about , have I even ever even showed it here?
So if you think you want to be a part of this House Proud on Steven and Chris and live in Canada than send an email check out the website under casting call, link to your blog , show them photos of what you have done before and afters are great.
STEVEN AND CHRISThey are always looking for more houses , can you commit two hours during the day during the week? the camera issue is not as bad as I thought . Who's game ?
One more thing , no Steven and Chris did not come to my house , I did not meet them although that would be very nice .
I do not have the exact air date , it could be the 29th or 30th or even after , I can't say for sure , as soon as I know , you will know .