Sunday, May 25, 2008

the weekend work

The weather is working in our favour this weekend, so there is much to be done, apparently I make my husband anxious when I work non stop on the weekends, blah blah blah , lazy bum, I don't ask for much help from him anyway I do my thing as I can , got some more screws in the deck, painted the lantern below, cuter huh! , ripped up some grass and put down more beach pebbles , stained the front steps with concrete stain , who knew they made that , cool , much improved my steps, planted my window boxes , got rid of two bamboo and wicker shelves that were ugly and taking up precious space, they left to make room in the basement , it needs to get started finally. planted some hostas in the front garden, warded off comments about my busy nature from neighbours , tended to the front patch of grass , completely neglected anything that needed doing inside, made a complete mess of my hands , the price I pay for work getting done. Had two kids sleep over on consecutive nights.....I think that is it , oh nope scraped off some peeling paint in the front of the house and caulked as well on the top of my 10 ft ladder. Yes that is it , but it is 2:00 on Sunday so I will try to get a little bit more done a few more screws and perhaps get some umbrella jewelry , oh wait I also helped and insisted that my dad come by and gather his boxes that we have been storing for 4 years oh maybe less , donated many boxes to goodwill. Feeling less cluttered now.

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