Saturday, May 3, 2008

Kitchen mess and progress

If you have been checking in you will have seen I ripped out the cupboard above the fridge as I need to make a proper sized opening for my new fridge that I expect in the nest couple of weeks, I will use two hollow core slab doors for the gables and create a surround for the fridge to appear built in , this caused me to take a second look above my ugly micro wave, which my husband has hated since the day I bought it , I though it was fine, and it has turned out to work very well, and was a bargain too. I used a scrap piece of furniture that was in a pile of such things in our basement , and fit it in , it will look good all painted ??? don't you think.

I wanted to show you how well the swinging kitchen door turned out , its a fun feature to the house, I added a lock to keep the dogs in for those times I need to do so for my sanity , I searched high and low for push plates, go to a lumber store and ask if they have those , WHAT??? no one needs push plates I suppose, but I found some clearly very old dusty shiny brass push plates in a local lumber store , the clerk said, " I didn't even know we had these??" no kidding , I am sure they were soon to be pitched. I painted them flat black and the are just what the door needed. Loving the door, one of our dogs has figured out how to use the door the other not so bright dog can't seem to grasp doors, the smart one can open our bedroom door , they are lever handles , I didn't believe it until I saw it , now that's a smart dog.
Where could you use a swinging door? the laundry room, pantry if you are so lucky , or the kitchen like me ?
This house will feel like an old house if I can have a say in it , its well on its way.
It is a rainy day here in Ontario today , I am working on rebuilding the trim around my sink window, a project I have put off way too long, replacing the blinds with bamboo blinds that I love, and mentally preparing for the fridge surround build. This kitchen is a mess.


  1. I found your blog when searching for swinging doors, I really want one for my kitchen. Did you turn a normal door into a sliding one? If so, do you have a tutorial you could direct me to?

    Thanks, great stuff!

  2. I found your blog when searching for swinging doors, I really want one for my kitchen. Did you turn a normal door into a sliding one? If so, do you have a tutorial you could direct me to?

    Thanks, great stuff!

  3. I found your blog when searching for swinging doors, I really want one for my kitchen. Did you turn a normal door into a sliding one? If so, do you have a tutorial you could direct me to?

    Thanks, great stuff!

  4. Alicia it was just the hinge hardware that made the reg a swinging door, you can find this special hinge all over now.
