Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My sweet girls

Things are busy around our house these days, planning a big birthday bash for the girls 6th and 9th birthdays, Sophie has decided to wear two different dresses for the party , her party number dress which has numbers that switch out for the age and the sweetest chiffon type polka dot dress , it is the prettiest, Mason will probably wear something army of course.
We have a huge party tent which I look forward to decking out in balloons streamers , lanterns , I love to throw a party for my girls. There will be karaoke , exotic aniamls , dancing, food, cake, sparklers, fireworks, lets hope for loads of fun.
Janice my sister in law took Mason to a school fair on friday , she came back with the most fantastic frog face painting, all the other girls had butterflies or kittens , but my girl loves frogs,I am so proud she sticks to her guns, I have always told her to listen to herself and to not be influenced by other to determine what you like, looks like she is taking my advice.
Janice suprised me with some beautiful peonies from her garden how nice , I just love peonies , on my dog walks neighbours will find me groping and smelling their peonies, got to take time to stop and smell the roses right!

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