Sunday, June 24, 2007

Birthday bonanza

Yesterday the weather was perfect ,not too hot, sun was shining, the girls were so excited to get started. The animal lady came over with her brood of creature, from a big bunny to pythons , it was an incredible show , even a few phobias were conquered, the show of animals went on long so it left us a little rushed for time, from my point of view that is better than trying to fiind something to fill the time, oh well.

The girls woke to a front garden full of frogs, and a sign wishing them a happy birthday.

More cupcakes were made and devoured.

Mason even got a real frog a tiny little dwarf frog, I ok'd it ahead with the kind giver , so now we have a new family member Swish, hmmm! her face was priceless , pure shock.

All in all we were wiped out but it was a wonderful day ,we have a year to top that.

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