Sunday, May 27, 2007

The end is near

I have stepped back from my upstairs landing, it is so close to finished and I thought my previous photos did not do it justice so I would post an update, the trim is up but not finished , I am content to leave the finishing for a little while , I need a break.The newel post is trimmed and painted and I am very pleased we made the decision to change it from the one that was there after all we never did like it so why keep it, wow what will be left of the origional house when I finally make this house the way I want it??

The yard is coming along, the green and blue scheme is keeping me very happy, which reminded me of this most vintage looking fabric I saw a couple of years ago at al local fabric store, why did I think they still had the bolt , well frankly it is UGLY but a nice ugly , no one else could see its good quallities , I was sure of that ,and boy was I right , it was $1.30 a yard so the whole thing modeled by my daughters was $10.00 , incredible, I will make curtains for the playhouse, a pillow for my hammock , trow pillows for the backyard and my other hidden outdoor space my upstairs porch which is very neglected and needs some attention.My dirty little secret is out I have the worst lawn , but it will be gone in time, I hate it , I want all the grass to be hardscape, in time.

Yesterday I spent the majority of the day gardening ,again, ruinging my feet , so on this most gloomy day I decided to get myself in for a pedicure, my second ever, I will have to make that a regular occurance, an hour and tewnty minutes being taken care of what a treat. It has been a lazy weekend , I should do this more often, you too.

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